Anonymous, 12 Century - Cain presents an Offering. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo荷兰画家An

Anonymous, 12 Century - Cain presents an Offering. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo荷兰画家An素材

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Anonymous, 12 Century - Abel presents an Offering. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderuelo荷兰画家An
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Anonymous, 12 Century - Two Apostles and the remains of a Third. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de M
Anonymous, 12 Century - God the Father held by four angels. The Hermitage of the Vera Cruz de Maderu
Anonymous, 12 Century - The Annunciation and a Thurifer Angel. The Hermitage of Vera Cruz de Maderue
Anonymous, 12 Century - The Evangelists, Saint Matthew and Saint Luke. The Hermitage of the Vera Cru
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