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Brueghel the Elder, Jan - Un bosque, Last quarter of 16 Century - First quarter of 17 Century大师画家古典画
Melendez, Luis Egidio - Bodegon albaricoques, bollos y recipientes, Third quarter of 18 Century静物水果瓜
Melendez, Luis Egidio - Frutero con naranjas, melon y cajas de dulce, Third quarter of 18 Century静物水
Melendez, Luis Egidio - Bodegon chuleton, condimentos y recipientes, Third quarter of 18 Century大师画家
Melendez, Luis Egidio - Bodegon granadas, manzanas, tarros y cajas de dulce, Third quarter of 18 _0大
Melendez, Luis Egidio - Bodegon calabaza, higos, bota de vino y cesto, Third quarter of 18 Century大师
Melendez, Luis Egidio - Frutero uvas, peros, melocotones y ciruelas, Third quarter of 18 Century大师画家
Aguero, Benito Manuel de - Paisaje con la salida de Eneas de Cartago, Third quarter of 17 Century大师画
Melendez, Luis Egidio - Bodegon pan, peras, queso y recipientes, Third quarter of 18 Century大师画家宗教绘画
Melendez, Luis Egidio - Bodegon jamon, huevos y recipientes, Third quarter of 18 Century大师画家宗教绘画教会油画
Anthonisz., Aert (Attributed to) - Combate naval, First quarter of 17 Century西方古典风景建筑自然水景山水田园印象派写实主义
Beert, Osias - Bodegon, First quarter of 17 Century花卉水果蔬菜器皿静物印象画派写实主义油画装饰画
Melendez, Luis Egidio - Bodegon ciruelas, brevas, pan, Third quarter of 18 Century大师画家宗教绘画教会油画人物肖像油画
Brueghel the Elder, Jan - Florero(II), First quarter of 17 Century花卉水果蔬菜器皿静物印象画派写实主义油画装饰画
Brueghel the Elder, Jan - Florero, First quarter of 17 Century花卉水果蔬菜器皿静物印象画派写实主义油画装饰画
Melendez, Luis Egidio - Bodegon cantarilla y pan, Third quarter of 18 Century大师画家宗教绘画教会油画人物肖像油画装饰画
Kessel the Elder, Jan van - Bodegon de flores, First quarter of 17 Century花卉水果蔬菜器皿静物印象画派写实主义油画装饰画